Saturday 17 November 2012

The Grand Mosque

Thursday morning we donned our head scarves and went off to visit the Grand Mosque (only open to non-Muslims until 11am).

The grounds were beautiful, so we were oohing and aahing before we'd even reached the actual buildings, and then the sights kept getting better and better.

The women's prayer hall can hold 650 worshippers and is smaller than the men's 
(which can hold 6000). The women have the choice whether to pray at home or at the mosque, whereas the men have to pray in a mosque. We found  a lovely guide to tell us all about the mosque and she even took our photo.

Then we went outside and around the corner to enter the men's prayer hall. 

The men's prayer hall is utterly magnificent. It has the 2nd largest handwoven one piece carpet in the world and the largest chandelier. 

The grounds around the mosque are equally as impressive and they are able to hold extra worshippers (in total the mosque can cater for 20 000).

After spending morning here we went back home for lunch then Mark and Cameron took the boys quad-biking on the sand dunes while Rachel and I had quiet time at home.

In the evening Rachel and I caught a taxi to the souk, where we admired all the fantastic items in the stores.

After a busy day, it was nice to crawl into bed. 

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