Saturday 18 August 2012

Northern Ireland

We kept travelling along the Coastal Road on the way to the Giant's Causeway, stopping and admiring the scenery along the way.

The Giant's Causeway was awesome, so many huge structures formed by volcanic eruptions millions of years ago. We had audio guides, so were able to listen to the fabulous legends and stories about the stones as well whilst we walked around (another 3-4 kms).

Half way around, our phone rang for the first time of our holidays. It was Mum, ringing to tell us that Matthew had been offered a place in the PEAC (extension programme for high school). Fantastic news.

Our next stop was Carrick-a-rede bridge, a rope bridge strung across a ravine. Scarey for me, who is scared of heights, but I did it (very slowly).

We then called in to Bushmills Brewery, but did not do the tour as it was going to be an hour's wait, so we travelled all the way down to Corrofin near the bottom of Northern Ireland.

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