Tuesday 30 October 2012

Drive to Fez

We started the morning with cartoons on the tv [IN ENGLISH, yay] and then down to breakfast. As we were the only guests in the hotel this morning, our breakfast of bread, mortadella, cheese, chocolate croissants, orange juice and coffee were served at our table. Pretty impressive.

Matt and I went down to reception, checked the emails and then it was back in the car off to Fez. Matt and I swap seats each day, so today was his day in the front and that meant he was the navigator. We took a wrong turn straight away and went through the centre of Tetuoan but with a bit of backtracking we got out of there [bit tricky as it was market day, very busy] and onto the main road.

Four hours later, after passing many donkeys, roadside stalls and overloaded vehicles, we were in Fez and that's where it started getting tricky. Many of the streets don't have signs, so we went round and out and back in again [only to find that we were back where Matt had directed us in the first place]. Eventually though we found our Riad [the big sign on the roof helped, we'd already been past it twice, but hadn't looked up].

Our host greeted us in the traditional Moroccan way with mint tea and homemade biscuits. Very nice. We organised for a guide to show us around Fez and the medina for tomorrow and went to our room. We had dinner in the Riad, which had tasters of soup, pigeon pie [better than it sounded] and chicken and vegetable cous cous with honey dew for dessert.  So much food, I think I'll be rolling out of here.

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