Friday 12 October 2012

Gladiator School

Matthew's Birthday, and the day we've been looking forward to for so long, Gladiator School, had finally arrived, and we woke to the sound of thunder storms. We put on  our wet-weather gear and set off for the bus stop.

After a bit of a mix up with the bus stops (we got off at the wrong stop and had to walk), we arrived at Gladiator School, met our instructor and dressed in our gladiator costumes.

We started with a guided walk through the museum

With some practical demonstrations

And then it was on to the physical part of Gladiator training.
Warm up

Sword training, attack and defence.

Training battles

Then the tournaments 

And now we are all officially Roman Gladiators (with the certificate to prove it)

Then it was home for relaxation and finishing our day with a nice glass of wine.
(our bottles from France that we've been saving for this occasion)

Happy birthday Matthew.

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