Tuesday 18 September 2012

Our Weekend in Paris

We drove from the Loire Valley to Paris, and searched for a camping ground. We had a reservation for Friday night and tried to get in there, but it was shut and we found it was miles from anywhere). So we tried for the park at Eurodisney, but that cost 30 euros for a carpark, and after driving round and round, we stopped in a deserted car bay about 10kms from Eurodisney and stayed there for the night.

Friday, we started out early to have another go at finding a bay, but couldn't find anywhere, so we followed the train line, parked near the next station and caught the train.

We had a great day. Lots of rides. The first one we tried was "Space Mountain" which shot you up, around and was a really fast rollercoaster ride. Very scarey. Didn't like that one, tho  they both did.

The other rides were great, and the "scarey" ones, I piked out of.

We had a buffet lunch in a morroccan restaurant for 20 euros, all you can eat. We ate heaps, then staggered around the park for the rest of the afternoon. Fantastic day.

Saturday we tried again for the Eiffel tower, but the ticket line was 200+ metres long, so we gave up on that idea and just wandered around Paris on the public transport. We went to Montmarte and walked up 36m of stairs (and that was just from the subway to the street). We had lunch and then walked the stairs up to the church. 

Beautiful view of Paris

Too many stairs, we took the Funnicular (train) down.

Sunday, we did nothing. (washing, reading, relaxing). 
Monday, take the motorhome back, pick up the car and off to Germany.

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